We do! And they can save you money. Tell us more about your needs and we’ll provide you with information and pricing.
As many as you would like. No, really. The number of stations we monitor fluctuates based on current customer needs. If we are not currently monitoring all the stations you want, we will add them to our system. It’s that simple.
Virtually every major local, national and cable station coast-to-coast.
Virtually none. We would like an hour or so if it’s part of a media tour, but even if it’s last minute and something is about to air, give us a call.
Never. Not ever. We behave like the most ideal extension of your team. Once you tell us what you want and when, we do all the work. Your only task will be showcasing to your clients the impressive result of your efforts.
If you have specific dates and station call letters, we may be able to get them. But, we may not. We prefer you call us if you have any indication that there will be future coverage. Since we don’t charge search fees, having us monitor won’t cost you a penny if there are no mentions.
It’s extremely affordable! We know that’s vague, but the cost depends on your needs. If you tell us more about those needs, we will happily provide you with more specific pricing
Never. End of story.
No, no and no. We are dedicated to being an affordable, customer-centric company, so our pricing includes most everything you could want.
To make budgeting far easier for you. Our flat rate pricing is designed to be affordable and inclusive.
Though never required, we do offer money saving subscription rates. Tell us more about your needs and we will provide you with pricing.
Thanks to our proprietary TruText™ system, you can receive accurate and easy-to-read text with any report (no gibberish to try to decipher). You can also choose to include an audio summary that allows you to “click and play” 15 seconds of audio around your keyword(s) mention…or you may prefer to receive the full clip with all audio around your mention. Metrics (audience #’s and media values) are also an option.
Click here to go to our report platform, where you can click the audio buttons and better experience the simplicity of our reports.
- Metrics are automatically included with TV reports and segments.
- Metrics can be added to radio reports for a small fee, but are included automatically with full radio segments.
There is no data available (to anyone) for streaming radio (like SiriusXM) or for entire syndicates/networks. Though you may see the majority of the syndicate/network hits on our reports, we are unable to provide metrics for the entire collection.
If you request full segments immediately, you’ll get them within an hour after airing, since we have a human quality control system.
We do! And we’ll take it one step farther and customize the coverage for you by adding stations you need to assure not a single mention is missed. Tell us more about what has been missed for you in the past and we will explain the process and pricing to ensure they are not missed in the future.
As many as you’d like us to monitor. Though we actively monitor around 600 stations, including 75 morning shows, many NPR stations and more, we customize coverage for you by adding station types and markets where you are most likely to get coverage.
Easy – virtually every station in the US.
Hint: Oui, oui, monsieur
We do not regularly monitor music platforms, but can do this if needed. Please tell us more about your needs and we’ll provide you with information and pricing.
Not yet, but it is coming soon! If you would like to be informed when we launch this service, tell us more about what features you will most be interested in. With 30,000 podcasts it will be the largest podcast search network in the U.S.
We’ve been in business more than 30 years, but we recently launched a proprietary radio listening platform that surpasses the scope and accuracy of any other monitoring platform in the market. It’s evidence that radio is still our biggest passion (have you picked up on that yet?)
Yes, you can easily share the segments to your clients.
YES! Though we must insist on a few limitations, special requests are welcome.
Easy…NO. We hire our people for their brain power, experience and big-heart awesomeness (and we bet you do the same).